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How to leverage ecosystems to develop disruptive innovation
How do you source technologies and ideas to stay competitive in a market where disruptors can take the lead at any moment in time?
3 Tips for a Successful Collaborative Innovation Strategy
Collaborative innovation is a strategy widely used by companies aiming to broaden their business scope, develop new processes or identify opportunities.
8 Things Your Company Should Do like Startups to Accelerate its Growth
To understand how established companies keep up with an intense rhythm imposed by today’s world, we also took a look at huge companies that still
The 5 Best Ways to Sabotage your Hackathon
What’s the difference between running a hackathon and sailing into a gale? A cynic might tell you that the boat will get a lot further.
The Hits and Misses of Talent Recruitment in 2018
The talent war is raging on. And on this particular market that is employment, high standard candidates are gold and companies are ready to do
Employer Branding: How To Attract The Best Talent?
Employer branding is a double-edged sword: you attract talent with external employer branding and retain it with internal employer branding.
Reverse Mentoring: An Essential Part of Your Digital Transformation
In the age of the digital company, the practice of older employees passing on their knowledge and expertise to younger colleagues is being turned on
How To Attract And Choose Top Candidates?
Here are the four most important steps you need to take to find, pick, and retain the best candidates – in Asia and everywhere else.
Recruitment: How To Get The Most Out Of A Business Game?
Business games, open innovation challenges, hackathons… How do the most successful companies hire talented people by sourcing innovation? How do you spot the one in
5 best practices for enterprise open innovation competitions
In 2023, 75% of companies are at risk of disruption. Use open innovation competitions to attract innovators and forge startup partnerships.
10 Startups Habits that Every Major Group Should Adopt
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The Challenges of Collaboration Between Startups and Big Companies
Jean-Baptiste Bouché, the author of this article, is the Agorize community’s most capped veteran. In two years, he has participated in 21 open innovation challenges and