Meet us at
Viva Technology

VivaTechnology is the place where innovation and business meet.
Every year, VivaTech brings together industry leaders, startups, investors and more.
Once again this year, we are proud that the Agorize platform has been chosen by Viva Technology and its major exhibiting brands to detect startups as part of their calls for innovation projects: LVMH Innovation Awards, Orange, KPMG, Huawei…
Meet Agorize at VivaTech
The Agorize team will be at VivaTech to show you how our SaaS platform is already running over 1,000 innovation and ideation programs for major corporations.
Our booth is L 06.
The Agorize team will be at VivaTech to show you how our SaaS platform is already running over 1,000 innovation and ideation programs for major corporations.
Our booth is L 06.
Let's plan your visit to VivaTech 2024
Make an appointment with one of our innovation specialists. If you don’t have accreditation, let’s talk – maybe we can help.
L’équipe d’Agorize sera à VivaTech pour vous faire découvrir comment notre plateforme SaaS permet déjà d’opérer plus de 1000 programmes d’innovation et d’idéation pour des grandes entreprises.
This year’s themes are Artificial Intelligence, achieving ESG objectives, retail transformation through innovation and start-up detection programs.

- When: May 22 to 25, 2024
- Where: Paris, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, stand L06
- Who: innovation leaders, cutting-edge companies, startups, investors...
Innovation management has entered the age of reason, and we have a solution to help you accelerate.