Singapore startups

Singapore startups – A 2024 guide for corporates

Singapore startups should not be hard to scout. Right? After all, Singapore’s vibrant startup ecosystem boasts an impressive international reputation. The city-state recently celebrated its latest feat: entering Startup Genome‘s Top 10 global startup ecosystems for the very first time. They report a jump from spot #18 in 2022 to #8 in 2023, made possible by four >$1 billion exits and Singapore being home to 18 unicorns.

On top of all that, Singapore ranks third in IMD’s 2023 Digital Competitiveness Ranking, and even claims the first spot when it comes to the Technology category, defined as a country’s ability to enable the development of digital technologies.

So, in a country that looks so good on paper, what is the reality of navigating its fast-growing startup ecosystem? What can you do to unlock some of the value and innovation opportunities this international hub offers for your business? With years of experience organizing startup competitions for local organizations and international corporates in Singapore, and scouting thousands of Singaporean startups and SMEs for these competitions, Agorize knows the lay of the land and can guide you through it. 

Singapore startup ecosystem

Singapore’s transformation into a thriving startup ecosystem can be attributed to a combination of strategic government initiatives, a favorable business environment, and a strong talent pool. The government is heavily involved through regulation that eases company incorporation processes, creating funds and grants for startups and corporates to use, and investing in its people. Singapore has highly educated and diverse top talent, with a strong focus on STEM education, making for innovative founders-to-be. 

In addition, the country holds a strategic political and geographical position. It’s a bridge between the East and West, both figuratively and literally. Singapore is an important hub in Southeast Asia, one where companies big and small are happy to be headquartered. With more than 5000 startups, 220 incubators and accelerators, and countless corporate headquarters in Singapore, all the necessary players are here to co-create innovative solutions and partnerships that solve complex issues (source: StartupSG).

Key players 

Singapore’s startup hub is made up of several key players operating in its wider, global community. Understanding who these key players are is a first step towards positioning yourself in it, as startup innovation activities often bring together multiple partners. 

Singapore startups

Singapore’s startup scene boasts a unique character compared to other hubs. While global hotspots like Silicon Valley might be known for disruptive, high-risk ventures, these startup founders often lean towards solving regional problems with scalable solutions. This focus on Southeast Asia’s specific needs, coupled with strong government support, positions them for rapid growth. 

The ecosystem also thrives on a healthy balance between local and international startups. Homegrown giants like Sea (formerly Shopee) and Grab have become household names, while international players are drawn to the pro-business environment and access to a diverse talent pool. This blend fosters knowledge sharing and cross-pollination of ideas, further accelerating innovation.

Testament to this success, Singapore is a breeding ground for unicorns – billion-dollar startups – including names like Razer, Endeavor, and Carousell. These companies not only contribute significantly to the economy but also inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs, solidifying a reputation as a launchpad for world-class startups.

Government agencies

Government agencies play a critical role in fostering this thriving startup ecosystem. Led by Enterprise Singapore, initiatives like Startup SG offer a comprehensive suite of programs. This includes government grants to bear operational costs and access to funding networks. Additionally, agencies like SGInnovate specifically focus on deep-tech startups. It aims to provide mentorship, resources, and connections to commercialize cutting-edge research and solutions. This multi-faceted approach aims to make Singapore a launchpad for innovative ideas, propelling local companies towards regional and global success.

Accelerators and incubators

Complementing the government’s efforts, a robust network of accelerators and incubators provides crucial support for startups at various stages. These organizations, many headquartered in Singapore, help startups with everything from refining their business models to securing funding. They offer mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs, access to co-working spaces, and connections to potential partners and clients. This nurturing environment allows early-stage startups to develop a strong foundation, increasing their chances of survival and eventual growth within the competitive landscape.


Corporates also play a vital role, acting as both partners and catalysts for growth. They contribute valuable resources like industry expertise, mentorship from seasoned professionals, and access to established distribution channels. This not only helps startups navigate the complexities of scaling their ventures but also validates their ideas and offerings. In return, corporations gain access to a pipeline of cutting-edge innovations and agile thinking. Early partnerships with promising startups allow them to stay ahead of the curve, identify disruptive technologies, and potentially acquire or jointly develop groundbreaking solutions. By fostering a symbiotic relationship, corporates and startups become instrumental in propelling the innovation economy forward.

Innovation partners

Innovation partners act as facilitators and connectors within Singapore’s startup ecosystem. They bridge the gap between established corporations and governments and innovative startups from end to end. Some innovation partners offer services such as launching startup innovation competitions. They organize these competitions to connect corporates with relevant startups based on specific challenges.

Then, there are innovation partners that also provide a platform for scouting and assessment. These platforms allow corporates to access a vast pool of startups (local and international) and streamline the process of evaluating potential partners.

Lastly, there’s a most advanced category of innovation partners that offers the aforementioned services and tools, and integrates it all into a single software solution. Such innovation software, ideally connected to a community of innovators, helps organizations manage complex innovation programs, including features for filtering, communication, and data analysis.

Opportunities and challenges 

The ecosystem in Singapore offers an array of opportunities for corporates seeking to ignite their innovation engine. Some of the most commonly recognized opportunities of doing so include:

  • Financial support: Government grants and readily available venture capital from established VC firms ease the financial burden of pursuing open innovation initiatives. Partnering with startups allows you to tap into these funding mechanisms while spreading the risk associated with early-stage ventures.
  • Global reach: Singapore boasts robust connections to global ecosystems, allowing you to tap into a wider pool of talent and expertise. This global outlook fosters collaboration beyond geographical boundaries, accelerating the development and adoption of innovative solutions.
  • Tech-savvy nation:  The nation’s strong emphasis on digital technologies and unparalleled connectivity creates a fertile ground for developing and testing next-generation solutions. Its advanced infrastructure provides a perfect platform to pilot and refine new ideas before scaling them globally.
  • Sectoral strength: Beyond the general strengths, Singapore shines brightly in specific sectors: Agtech, Greentech, Edtech, and Healthtech all boast a high density of innovative startups. By collaborating with these specialists, you can address critical challenges in areas like sustainable food production, environmental solutions, future-proof education, and cutting-edge healthcare advancements. This targeted approach allows you to leverage unique strengths for impactful innovation that benefits both your corporation and the wider community.


Despite the abundance of opportunities, leveraging the Singaporean startup ecosystem also presents some challenges for corporates:

  • Internal hurdles: A lack of internal skills in employees to run startup innovation initiatives can result in slow processes or even failed projects. Corporates may need to invest in training or hire specialists to bridge this skills gap and ensure efficient collaboration with startups.
  • Resource constraints: Beyond skills, a lack of resources, including dedicated time and personnel, can hinder corporate participation. Building and managing a successful open innovation program requires a long-term commitment, and securing the necessary resources internally can be an initial challenge.
  • Cultural shift: Traditional corporate cultures may make it hard to open up and foster the level of collaboration needed for successful partnerships. Creating a more agile and risk-tolerant environment is crucial for embracing innovation and fostering successful partnerships.
  • Finding the right fit: Attracting the right startups for your specific problem statement can be challenging. Effective scouting and selection processes are essential to ensure alignment between your corporate needs and the expertise offered by potential partners.
  • Talent acquisition & retention: The competitive startup landscape can make it difficult to attract and retain top talent within your corporation. Developing a compelling employer brand that highlights the benefits of working on cutting-edge projects alongside startups can be a key differentiator.

Singapore startups

Scouting startups for sustainable solutions

Dive deeper into Enterprise Singapore’s startup competition with Agorize: the Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge.

Together with corporate partners like L’Oréal, Dnata, Volkswagen Group Singapore, Wee Hur Holdings Ltd., and 12 others, they identified and assessed hundreds of startups.

Corporate-startup partnerships: Singapore startups vs. foreign startups 

For corporates, the Singaporean startup hub presents a fascinating choice between local and international partners. Singapore-based startups have a deep understanding of the Southeast Asian market and its unique challenges, fostering a natural synergy and smoother collaboration. Cultural alignment further simplifies communication and reduces potential roadblocks. However, these startups might be at an earlier stage, requiring more investment and guidance to fully integrate with existing processes. 

On the other hand, global startups often bring a wealth of experience and a proven track record of scaling solutions. Partnering with them opens doors to new international markets and offers access to cutting-edge technologies developed elsewhere. However, navigating cultural differences and ensuring clear communication can be more challenging. Additionally, global startups might require a more significant initial investment and may not possess the same level of familiarity with the nuances of the Southeast Asian market.

Ultimately, the choice hinges on your specific needs: do you prioritize rapid regional growth with a locally-informed partner, or seek to scale globally proven solutions with a potentially steeper learning curve? It’s an important decision to take in the startup scouting process we explain later on.

Singapore startups hub built around tech: Fintech, Agtech, Greentech, and more

While the Singaporean startup hub thrives across a diverse range of industries, tech startups hold a central position. Many focus on developing solutions that address regional and global challenges, making the startup hub a rich source of Fintech, Agtech, and Greentech solutions. Beyond just tech, sustainability is a growing theme, with innovators tackling issues related to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) across various sectors.

The focus on tech and sustainability shines through in innovation initiatives recently launched. The Aerospace Open Innovation Challenge 2024, organized with partners like Airbus, Bell Textron, and Collins Aerospace, aims to create a brighter, smarter, and more sustainable future for the aerospace industry. Meanwhile, deep-tech startup competition SLINGSHOT, organized by Enterprise Singapore covers multiple domains including sustainability, trade and connectivity, and digitalization.

The strong presence of startups within these domains can be used to an organization’s advantage. Cultivating a presence in a subdomain of the ecosystem can support later endeavors such as forming long-term partnerships with startups in the region.

How corporates can scout, assess, and partner with startups in Singapore

Innovative startups bring a wealth of benefits to the table. At the forefront of technological advancements, they provide access to cutting-edge solutions. Their agility allows for quicker adaptation to market shifts and they open doors to diversification through new markets and service offerings, mitigating risk and fostering growth. And, working with these innovative companies unlocks a pool of fresh talent with innovative perspectives, injecting new energy and ideas into established organizations. Through corporate-startup partnerships, millions are saved, new markets are entered, and advanced solutions are launched. 

Despite all that, creating such valuable partnerships is challenging. It requires corporate innovation leaders to understand exactly: 

1. What their problem or challenge is, and what solution might solve it

2. Which startups to target, and whether to target them exclusively or broaden the scope 

3. How to attract and retain innovative solutions-providers

When those topics are clarified, the innovation team has to: 

4. Scout solutions and technologies that will solve their problem 

5. Assess and filter all submissions, often with limited resources 

6. Quantify efforts to track progress and RoI 

7. Deploy solutions at scale 

In other words, there’s a lot to do and a lot at stake. This is why many corporates organize startup innovation competitions using comprehensive software. It is a proven tactic has helped many organizations that wanted to scout Singapore startups or international solutions. Check out some examples of startup competitions organized in Singapore by these leading organizations: 

The leading tool for corporate innovation competitions in 2024

Scouting, assessing, and deploying startups’ innovative solutions is hard without the right tools. For those starting, it can be challenging to get a foot in the door and acquire access to the innovators whose solutions fit their needs. For those with more experience, it can be difficult to manage the volume of solutions in their database, as each needs to be assessed, filtered, and labeled. 

That’s why, today, most leading organizations adopt a scalable innovation management platform to handle complex and large-scale programs successfully. The right software or tool enables users to scout technology and innovations from a community of local and foreign talent from the Asia Pacific region and beyond. A platform that makes assessing and filtering innovative solutions easier, allows users to spend less time on tedious tasks, and helps businesses measure and achieve better RoI. 

Agorize is the leading innovation management and startup scouting platform that makes the process startup innovation simpler and more effective from start to finish. Thanks to its end-to-end innovation software fueled by a community of 10 million startups and innovators, more than 7000 innovation programs were successfully launched for corporates and organizations across the world. 

Singapore startups: innovation software checklist

Innovation software checklist 

Some corporates with startup scouting needs, decide to manage the process fully in-house. However, most opt for outsourcing, searching for a partner that can do the job that much better and at a better rate. While there are many innovation partners out there, very few innovation software providers offer a platform connected to a community of innovators. It’s what makes Agorize the preferred choice among corporates with serious innovation needs. To guide you in making a choice, DIY your own platform or outsource it to an innovation partner, we’ve made a checklist with the essential features any solution must have:

  • Custom program build – build a program that does exactly what you need it to do.
  • In-app design studio – represent your brand on all your channels, including the startup scouting platform.
  • API integrations – make the startup competition platform part of your daily stack.
  • Custom labeling and filters – manage large volumes of innovators, ideas, and solutions with labels and filters.
  • Voting platform – organize multiple rounds of assessment and voting to identify the best solutions.
  • In-app communication channels – engage startups through announcements, chat, and webinars.
  • Connection to a community of innovators – integrate your database or leverage the innovation partner’s for a seamless process.  
  • Real-time data and dashboards – never guess what progress has been made, keep track with real-time analytics.
  • Marketing channel trackers to optimize budget allocation – identify best-performing channels and reallocate budget to only spend where it’s needed.
  • Innovation Hub to store all innovations, technologies, talents – keep track of startups from previous programs with the Innovation Hub.

Or refer to our complete overview of innovation management software features.


Despite its size, Singapore offers access to global innovation opportunities. Startups in Singapore, both foreign and local, are eager to work with corporations that are ready to embrace new partnerships. They offer cutting-edge solutions and strategic advantage, the type that keeps corporates at the top of their industry.

The solution to building these partnerships already exists. Corporate innovation competitions, or startup competitions, are a widely adopted tool that keeps delivering results to organizations like Huawei, Enterprise Singapore, CapitaLand, Singapore Airlines, and so many more. Their competitions have become a source of value, offering new capabilities, technologies, ideas, and market access. And each of them used Agorize to make these competitions a roaring success. Use the 7-step process and innovation software checklist to get started on your journey, or reach out to the Agorize team for a custom demo and plan for your business.  

What recent achievement has Singapore’s startup ecosystem accomplished?

Singapore’s startup ecosystem recently entered Startup Genome’s Top 10 global startup ecosystems, jumping from spot #18 in 2022 to #8 in 2023.

How does the Singapore government support startups?

The Singapore government supports startups through strategic initiatives such as easing company incorporation processes, creating funds and grants, and investing in education, particularly in STEM fields.

What challenges do corporates face when partnering with startups in Singapore?

Corporates face challenges such as internal skill gaps, resource constraints, cultural shifts, and difficulties in attracting and retaining the right talent and startups.

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