AWS hackathon
AWS Hackdays Online 2020 with Agorize

AWS Hackdays Online

Identify tomorrow’s talents – those who are key to the company’s future innovation in areas of machine learning, IoT, data or Web applications.

Executive Summary


Accelerate digitalization​

The AWS Hackdays - Build Tomorrow is an online hackathon made for builders who are eager to accelerate South-East Asian digitalization.

After the success of the last edition, AWS Hackdays is back with an exciting new challenge!

For this edition, candidates take on the challenge to shape the future of South-East Asia’s digitalization by bringing new solutions around today’s industry challenges from your home: sustainability, learning & development, automation, and security.

AWS Objective

Identify tomorrow’s talents – those who are key to the company’s future innovation in areas of machine learning, IoT, data or Web applications.

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Client testimonial

"Agorize’s platform proved to be the perfect tool to achieve our objective. Agorize’s creativity, adaptability, and large network have also been key assets for the success of this project!"
Picture of Cecilia des Courtis from AWS
Cecilia des Courtis
AWS - Head of Startup Marketing

Bringing new solutions around today’s industry challenges

Agorize innovation for good


By identifying impactful, sustainable solutions for our products and planet.

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by developing new products or enhancing existing brandss that truly put the consumer at the center.

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by improving current business models, processes and operations.

Agorize innovation for good


by developing solutions to improve people and wildlife safety through IoT and online monitoring.



  • Register on the platforme
  • Form a 2-4 members team
  • Build a prototype


  • Fine-tune your prototype
  • Build your pitch deck


  • Pitch the solution in 5 minutes
  • Present the prototype


  • Compete in a hackathon
  • Build a prototype
  • Pitch the solution

Scope and selection criteria

Finalists were selected by a team of AWS juries based on the following criteria:

  • Innovativeness of the solution (25%)
  • Business potential (25%)
  • Integration of AWS Services (30%)
  • Team complementarity (20%)
Building & Engaging the Startup ecosystem

Building and engaging the startup community

Watch the replay of our webinar to learn how can an online hackathon can help you engage with thousands of startups across a continent.​

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AWS and Agorize: a collaboration that has withstood the coronavirus crisis​

This year also saw the beginning of an unprecedented health crisis, which proved the resilience of the Agorize model. If we have always believed that innovation rhymes with human contact and exchange, it was essential for us to ensure everyone’s safety and to scrupulously respect the health recommendations in force.

To do this, Agorize and AWS set up in a few weeks an unprecedented 100% online, interactive and fun finale, allowing candidates to pitch their project in front of the juries in an ideal way, as if everything was happening in real life.

The operation lasted two hours, interspersed with the candidates’ presentations, animations by our managers and an Oscar-worthy award ceremony.

Innovation challenge outcomes​

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2,300 participants​

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10 countries​


7 winning teams​

Zoom on the winning projects


100 USD Amazon Voucher 
per team member

Integrated disaster relief rescue solution

that guide victims to safety and provide medical visibility across to health workers.

AWS hackdays Canari maquette

100 USD Amazon Voucher
per team member

Seaweed profitability advancement through Workflow network

Empowering farmers with a sustainability-driven solution.

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75 USD Amazon Voucher
per team member

Solution & understand Ex

Working tools, Relax tools and tracking of employer emotions in order to live better your remote work.

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COVID19 was turned into an opportunity of reshaping the face of Hackathons: it was the first ever 100% online AWS Hackdays. ​

What are the keys to a successful hackathon?​​

Get all our tips and tricks in our “10 steps to organize your hackathon” ebook

Inspired by AWS innovation management case?

Learn how you can identify tomorrow’s talents to accelerate your innovation