Innovation management software

Innovation software fueled by 10M innovators

We deliver cutting-edge innovation management software connected to 10 million startups and innovators. Plus, our dedicated team of experts helps corporates launch innovation challenges to reveal ideas and turn them into results, fast.

Nail innovation with Agorize.

a smartphone a laptop yellow 2024 leader badge
More than 300 corporates and governments
around the world use our platform to innovate
Logo Accenture
Enterprise Singapore logo
Hitachi-Agorize client
L'Oréal logo
Microsoft logo
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Total Energies logo


Global enterprise clients

1 000+

Platforms deployed


Startups and innovators

Your one-stop innovation space​

Our platform is used by various departments, including innovation, IT, operations, marketing, HR, sourcing and procurement, and more. Agorize helps you structure, manage, and accelerate innovation, as our platform helps you to:

  • Easily identify innovative ideas and talent
  • Collectively evaluate high-value propositions
  • Deploy concrete solutions on a large scale

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> Transform your business with innovative solutions based on the ideas, opportunities, or challenges you’ve identified. 

Learn about Agorize Innovation Management

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> Launch hackathons to identify innovative prototypes and individuals in a variety of domains.

Learn about Agorize Hackathons

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> Find the best startups in your industry to partner with and co-develop innovative solutions and technologies.

Learn about Agorize Startup Scouting

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> Spot the best early talent and their ideas by engaging students across the world.

Learn about Student Innovation Competitions

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> Collect and assess insights from your employees to develop solutions that foster organizational change.

Learn about Agorize Idea Management Software

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> Scout, engage, and assess the best talent while also strengthening your brand.

Learn about Agorize Hire

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> Leverage the open strategy approach to source innovative solutions and meet new goals or regulations.

Learn more about Agorize

Agorize innovation références clients

A single platform. A world of possibilities.

Our comprehensive, fully customizable platform is the world’s leading innovation and idea management solution. Organize open innovation competitions. Launch calls for ideas or hackathons. Partner with startups, developers, students, or internal talent. And so much more. With Agorize’s platform, you can make innovation a breeze and usher in more growth. 

Learn more about us

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See why we are a top-rated innovation management solution

Connected to a global community of 10 million innovators, including startups, students, and developers, our platform is a leader in the field of innovation.

We bring the brightest people together to brainstorm the ideas of tomorrow, ultimately delivering some of the best results.

Agorize best innovation and idea management software on G2
Agorize has the highest adoption of open innovation software 
Agorize has the best  Roi for open ideation software
Agorize is the best open ideation software 
Agorize best innovation and idea management software on G2
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Logo Pepsico

« Instead of the usual 24 months to launch a product, PepsiCo released its new product in unprecedented speed: 9 months! »

Picture of PepsiCo Sachin Jain

Sachin Jain
PepsiCo Global Talent Management Director

L'Oréal logo

« Agorize has been a strong partner for L’Oréal Brandstorm, as year after year, it enables us to animate and connect with thousands of young people worldwide. »

woman smiling

Norma Taylor-Ladousse
L’Oréal CMO for Talent Acquisition

logo majorel

« The innovation process is simplified, transparent, and dynamic, thanks to – among other things – this unique, user-friendly, and efficient tool. »

Amina Bendahmane

Amina Bendahmane
Majorel Head of Global Innovation 

Take your organization further, faster.

Accelerate innovation from seed to execution and impact the bottom line directly, just like the 300+ corporates and governments we work with.

Here’s a look at some customer outcomes:


time reduction in operational processes


Time-to-market improved


Time-to-hire improved

Innovation management has never been this simple

Good bye, chaos. Hello, simplicity.
Stop feeling overwhelmed by the multiple spreadsheet, slides, PDF files, or user interfaces you need to open and navigate. All of it can quickly make you feel out of control. With Agorize, you can centralize everything in a single place – our innovation platform.

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Ready-to-use templates enable your team to get started quickly to launch your next innovation program.
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Use chat, comments, webinars, and more to facilitate collaboration and mentoring.

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A gamified UX with leaderboard and (virtual) Investment Games help you increase engagement.

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Integration with complementary tools through APIs lets you streamline your process.

Our 10 million startups, innovators, and students worldwide are ready to take part in your innovation Challenges.